Author: doc. dr. Safet Mušić Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has again brought the phenomenon of foreign fighters to the world scale, and after...
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Author: Anesa Agovic Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime has invited Global Analitika – Global Analytics to become a member...
Author: Safet Mušić On May 8th, 1945, a crowd of reporters spent a whole night in a camp waiting for the long-expected news even not knowing that day...
On November 1, 2019, the State Department released its annual country reports on terrorism in the world for 2018. The report states, among other...
The recognisable acronym, LGBT, refers to the collectivity of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals. LGBT social movements are...
One of the world’s most ambitious projects, named „One belt, one road“, is China’s state-owned project, which is basically economic, but...
Center for Social Research Global Analitika from Sarajevo has organized a conference at the hotel Holiday for representatives from relevant...
Center for Social Research Global Analitika celebrated its 5th anniversary in the circle of associates and friends. What really excites us is the...
Western Balkan region is characterized by the fact that most of the countries were directly or indirectly involved in conflicts and war events...
A short history of Venezuela Since the time of the rule of the Spanish colonial administration, the Venezuelan people, led by Simon Bolivar, began...