This scientific research paper was developed after months of research and years of practical authors’ experience in the areas of security, the issue of violent extremism and radicalism, as well as cybersecurity.
Therefore the paper presented and published in April 2017, within The 3rd International Conference of Faculty of Business and Administration titled “Irregular Migration towards EU and Balkan Countries”, organized by the International University of Sarajevo.
The authors emphasized that it is very important to recognize the problem of online radicalization, and to undertake timely, planned, systematic and interdisciplinary preventive measures. The research results carried out in this work have shown that online radicalization is one of the ways of spreading extreme ideology. Also, online radicalization is a security challenge that persists, and it is the author’s assessment that we will deal with the same in the future.
In the continuation of this text, you can review the presentation of this work, as well as the research paper.
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